Daniel Antonio Silva
I began facilitating Houses of Healing while serving my prison sentence. This experience led me to develop Self Awareness and Recovery (SAR), a nonprofit organization made up of formerly incarcerated individuals who have all gone through the HOH program. HOH was the book that set the stage; none of us would be out here had it not been for me finding HOH. About 18 months after my release, Robin hired me to go back to two prisons to train people to become HOH and Power Source facilitators. The men of SAR are the fruits of that labor. I attribute finding my core Self as the reason for my healing, and the reason that I want to spread my knowledge and help others to heal. I believe in the importance of learning these things from a young age, giving people the chance to really heal. The power is in healing the root of the symptoms. Anybody can identify with Power Source because that’s where the trauma started – the root of it. The power of this literature – I’ve seen it first-hand. After only a year of providing the program to problematic youngsters, we see that they are able to use their negative experiences for good. I’ve received letters from administrations describing having witnessed violence reduction in their schools during the years of providing Power Source to the kids. That’s how powerful it is.