Donate Now to Support Lionheart's Mission

All donations are 100% tax deductible.


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For each of our programs, we continue to distribute free or reduced cost products for those who request access. Our ability to provide these transformative resources is largely dependent on the generosity of our donors.

Every book that is sent to an incarcerated individual, workbook given to a youth in detention, facilitator manual donated to a parenting program, or consultation/training offered to a youth-serving agency – means that Lionheart must seek support from generous donors like you.


Donate a Houses of Healing book to an incarcerated individual or a Power Source book to a youth at-risk.


Provide a book and workbook to an incarcerated individual or youth at-risk.


Equip an agency with Power Source Parenting: 10 books and a facilitator manual.


Give a Power Source Program Starter Kit: 10 books, 10 workbooks, and 5 posters.


Award an agency with a full-day training.