Serving as a supportive resource when implementing the Power Source Program, these psycho-educational videos enable facilitators to powerfully engage youth. The Power Source Facilitator Manual includes directives for when to show the videos, as well as questions to spark discussion.
The series is designed to be used with both groups and individuals and alongside other Power Source materials. The video series is broken into four content areas, targeting four of the most important PS concepts (click on the video title to learn more and watch a clip of each video in the series):
Risk-Taking: Life on the Edge
Our experience with youth at risk has shown us that the topic of risk-taking is a non-threatening point from which to embark upon the challenging work of self-reflection and the creation of positive change with young people.
A core component of the Power Source program is meditation. We think of it as the “quiet motor” that drives the program in terms of creating personal change, managing intense emotions, increasing distress tolerance and impulse control, and facilitating relaxation.
The primary purpose of this video is to explore intergenerationally transmitted family problems such as domestic violence, verbal and physical abuse, addiction, and incarceration. Identifying the presence of these cycles in one’s family is the first step in creating healthier personal choices.
Lost Childhood and Entitlement: Dealing With Unfairness in Life
The purpose of this video is to help youth identify feelings that arise when basic emotional and physical needs are not met by caregivers, the feelings of unfairness that result, and the “entitlement thinking” (getting what you want any way you want”) that drives risk behavior. The video provides strategies to help youth recognize this connection and effectively discover positive alternatives.