D.C. Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services New Beginnings: A Unique Treatment Model

Recently, Lionheart’s Co-Clinical Director, Dr. Jess Linick, visited New Beginnings Youth Development Center in Washington, D.C., to find out about their extraordinary work with Power Source. New Beginnings is a secure 60-bed residential facility for youth committed to The DC Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services (DYRS).

In 2018, Dr. Kenya Key introduced Power Source and Houses of Healing to the DC DYRS with an understanding that working with youth at the deepest end of the juvenile justice system carries both immense responsibility and opportunity. Dr. Key recognized that implementing evidence-supported interventions was critical to achieving a foundation for meaningful outcomes. She started with the goal of ensuring that every intervention effort made was rooted in proven strategies.

Power Source is a group that is easy to be creative with and tailor to the audience that we serve.
Gabrielle Riggins, M.A., LPC, CCHP Mental Health Specialist

Innovating with Collaboration

As crucial as evidence-based techniques are, equally vital to their success was the appreciation of the power of interdisciplinary collaboration. Dr. Key began implementation of the program by training the clinical team and selected custody team members to create a co-facilitation model.

In 2019, Dr. Romita Sillitti expanded the interdisciplinary model by training the GOGU Credible Messenger team and establishing Power Source as a core program for committed youth at the New Beginnings Youth Development Center. The partnership between the behavioral health staff and the credible messengers has been invaluable. The combination of a clinician and an individual with lived experience partnering to impart knowledge is much more openly received by the young people.

Since its inception, dozens of youths have completed the Power Source modules as a part of their treatment plans, and successfully completed the program overall.

Power Source…topics are easily tailored to be relatable to group members and prompt active and open dialogue.
Ashley Hendricks M.A. LGPC, CCTP, NCC Mental Health Specialist (MHS)
Posters created by Power Source participants
In a recent Power Source group, a few of the youth made posters on aspects of the group that stood out to them. They stood up and shared in front of an audience and did a great job. (printed with permission)

Expanding Programs

In addition to Power Source, the Houses of Healing Program has also been used with DYRS pre-adjudicated youth charged as adults. At the Youth Services Center, under the supervision of Dr. Corinne Jefferson, youth have had the opportunity to engage in the Houses of Healing program in groups or through self-study with discussion in individual therapy sessions. The two programs are an integral part of treatment for youth in DYRS secure settings.

The DYRS treatment team remains committed to approaches that make a lasting impact, driven by evidence and strengthened through collaboration. We’re proud to partner with such an innovative and hard-working group of people to help these youth grow into a bright future!

Learn more about the Power Source Program here.