Just the Boost We Needed!

After a year of being in a state many psychologists call “languishing,” most of us could use a chance to recharge our professional batteries. The Association of Children’s Residential and Community Services (ACRC) gave us just the boost we needed by bringing together partners from across the world to explore best-practices to build transformative and healing communities for youth. Seeing familiar faces and drawing off the enthusiasm of like-minded providers ready to do new, great things, the conference helped us reboot and ramp up! For the third year in a row, Lionheart exhibited at ACRC to share our resources, renew connections with people already using our programs, and reach out to those new to Lionheart’s work. 

Lionheart's booth at the 2021 ACRC Conference trauma-informed direct care staff youth at-risk social emotional learning
Executive Director, Robin Casarjian (left) with Clinical Director, Beth Casarjian (right) at Lionheart’s booth at the 2021 ACRC Conference

ACRC raised the bar by bringing together ground-breaking speakers like Joyce James, a nationally recognized leader in social justice and system transformations and Larry Brendtro, the positive youth development guru, to ask us to think differently and ACT for youth impacted by trauma, inequity, and structural racism. 

Undoubtedly, the highlight of the conference was our poster session where we shared the progress made on the EQ2 app, currently being re-developed with our partners at Dartmouth’s Digital Applied Learning and Innovation Lab (DALI). With the new app ready to launch in January and the EQ2 Learning Management System releasing the Supervision Section in late September, Lionheart is finding new and powerful ways to serve those serving youth. Because as one speaker put it, “Being in the presence of a regulated human, IS a corrective experience.” 

Incase you were unable to attend, here is the information Lionheart shared at the ACRC Conference:

Lionheart trauma-informed app for direct care staff youth at-risk social and emotional learning
Click on the image to access the file

For more information on our program for direct care staff serving youth at-risk, visit our EQ2 program page.